We charge a flat-rate shipping fee on orders to Canada and the US.
Orders shipped to addresses within Canada will be charged a $15 shipping fee.
Orders shipped to US addresses will be charged a $20 shipping fee.
All in-stock orders will be packaged and shipped within 2 business days of receipt of your payment. Most orders leave our store the next business day! In order to process your order most efficiently, please remember to include an accurate email address and your telephone number.
The average order will take 3-10 business days to arrive to Canadian residents. These shipping times are an ESTIMATE only and are not guaranteed as we have no control over the postal system. If you require faster service, please let us know! We will be more than happy to accommodate in any way we can.
Yes, we do ship to the United States! Please contact us at arenda@justdandyclothing.ca to place your order.